Monday, March 14, 2011

Very Productive day of being UNPRODUCTIVE

So today started my "spring break"! My boss has off so that means I have off too! I spent the day doing NOTHING! After last weeks running around after a toddler and taking care of a infant I figured I should get at least one day of doing nada!

I started my day of sleeping in by getting woken up at 6 am by my loving husband who did have to work today. Don't fret too much people because I went right back to sleep at around 7:30 and slept in till 10! It was glorious!!!!! Yea I am bragging what-ca wanna do about it!

Then I spent the rest of the day playing on the computer where I Facebook stalked a bunch of people I haven't talk to in years and I began to wonder why on Earth we were even still friends on Facebook. So I started to do some spring cleaning of my friends list.

Yep...that was pretty much it. I cooked BBQ Pork-chops and rice for dinner and watched Coming Home with Steve where he spent the whole time making fun of me for balling like a baby! Now we are off to WalMart to pick up some print ink and then I get to return to my spot on the couch to continue my day of watching trash TV!

Tomorrow I will Clean....MAYBE!

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