Monday, June 16, 2014

Oh What A Year!!

      I can't believe it has been a year since my last post. I thought maybe six months or so but a full year? Where did that time go? It's amazing how it all just gets away from you so fast. In fact it just hit me in this very second that we are more then halfway through with 2014 already! Holy COW!! So let me catch you up on the last year of the Bostwick Clan.

     The summer of 2013 was pretty uneventful for us. Steve upgraded to Instructor Pilot in the C-21 in May. Not much in the way of June that I can remember. We spent fourth of July in Dallas while Steve had some simulator training. I didn't remember just how much I love the state of Texas until we were there. I really could move to the Dallas area and be perfectly happy. In fact it is a conversation that comes up a lot now in the household. Grace and I ended up with a terrible stomach bug causing us to cut our trip short but it was still fun while it lasted. In August Steve pinned on Captain and we found out that he would be spending the end of year deployed.  Grace and I took a trip to Washington DC and got to FINALLY meet my adorable nephew Ben! September was a big month for us....on the 25th after months of trying we found out we were expecting our 2nd child! We spent the month of October preparing for Steve's upcoming deployment. Due to the fact that I was expecting and it was the holiday season we decided that Grace and I would return to Georgia for majority of the deployment. Shoveling snow and trying to make it to doctor appointments alone in Colorado was just not something I was looking forward too. Grace and I flew in to the homeland on the 26th and Steve joined us two days later with the puppies. He was able to spend a week with us there in Atlanta before returning back to Colorado. November and December were filled with the typical holiday fun. Grace and I became really familiar with I-75 as we made the track from Atl to Valdosta quite a bit. We rang in the New Year in Valdosta with a visit from Brittany, Alex, and Ben! It was great to see them again so soon. As busy as the end of 2013 seemed it had NOTHING on what the first 6 months of 2014 would bring for us.

     In January Grace and I returned home to Colorado. As wonderful as it was to spend time in Georgia with the family it was so nice to be back in our house and that much closer to Daddy coming home.  I was looking forward to getting settled back into our routine and finally being able to start processing our pregnancy.  In October and November we had two separate scares with bleeding, but as far as we could tell everything was ok. In December we found out we were having a boy. At each of these events I felt very detached. As excited, as I was to be pregnant I didn't feel like it was all really happening because Steve was not around and I wasn't in my home. So getting back to Colorado in January I felt like it would all start to hit me. Then Steve dropped the biggest bomb on me one night in February.

    We had been talking on FaceTime before he went to work and I went to bed. It wasn't 30 seconds after hanging up that my phone began to ring again. When I saw it was Steve I knew something was up because I had just told him I was exhausted and really needed to go to bed. When I answered he said "So...listen to this.." then he proceeded to read an e-mail from virtual MPF telling him that he has been selected for an assignment at Seymour Johnson AFB in NC. The idea of getting a assignment was not a shock as we had been waiting to hear about what we though was going to be a summer move as our SQ was closing in June. He then read the dates.... April 21st. I am sorry what?? Instantly I started doing the math.... how many weeks away was that.... how far along in my pregnancy would I be? I had moved in my third trimester with Grace and I had vowed to NEVER do that again. HA! Was this even real? Everyone else had been told about his or her new assignments from the SQ Commander not though e-mails. Plus they had said that none of us were leaving until after we were closed anyways this must all be a mistake. So Steve emailed his SQ and I settled in for a very sleepless night. When we talked again the next day Steve told me it was legit. We were leavingColorado in 8 weeks and I was going to be moving at 34 weeks pregnant. There goes processing this pregnancy...I was going to be too busy getting ready for a PCS for any of it to start to feel real.

     Steve got home February 22 and that's when the whirlwind began. All our plans for his two weeks R&R went out the window. We needed to use that time he had off to start getting the house ready for the move. Before I knew it two weeks had passed and Steve was back to work. March and April was filled with going though the house, cleaning, packing, and figuring out healthcare stuff for when we got to our temporary training in Altus Ok where we would be until September.  It took a lot of help from some amazing friends, but on April 20th we hit the road for Oklahoma. After getting settled into our little 2 bedrooms TLF here I finally found time to get ready for our new arrival. In just 5 and 1/2 short weeks our little trio would grow to a quartet. That's where we are now. Connor Milton joined our family on May 28th at 8 am via c-section. Going from one child to two has been quite the journey especially in a tiny apartment with Steve working 12-14 hour days at times. We are surviving though and everyday it gets a little easier. Sometime at the end of August we will pack up here and start the last leg of this PSC to North Caroline where we will finally get to settle down for a good 3-4 years...hopefully!