Friday, May 18, 2012

Parenting Styles

      Let's face it we all have one and NO TWO are alike. In the 15 years that I have been around/working with infants and young children I have been exposed to MANY different parenting styles. Some I have shaken my head at and others I have picked apart to make my own. As a nanny you are paid to help raise that child in the style that their parents wish them to be raised weather you agree with it or not. I have been extremely lucky and the parents that I have worked with are not crazy. While there was this one mother who was a little extreme, but I only watched her little girl for a week. ANYWAYS, my point is that when someone offers me advice I do truly take it into consideration, because I have witnessed how things that I would never thought would work make miracles happen. However, I draw the line at judging! If you want to tell me how you raised your child that's fine I will listen I may even steal something form your veteran mom experience BUT if you want to tell me that how I am raising MY child is wrong you can save your breath or in this cause your energy in typing because I don't want to hear/read it!
     A while back I posted a video of Grace's first taste of solid foods. She was exactly 4 1/2 months old. That night I got a private message from a Facebook "friend" who told me how I was just asking for health issues with Grace. How I started her too young on solids and that she will end up with Leaking Gut. Well lady I am sorry you feel that way, but the last time I checked you did not have MD and my doctor does. I think I will take my medical advice from her Thank You. A couple days ago I posted a picture of Grace with her grow with me sippy cup. Something that we are working on. I don't expect her to actually be able to use it but I have learned though my experience that introducing the sippy cup early on makes an easier transition later. If anyone is interested it's water in the cup nothing else. That afternoon I got another private message from that same "friend" about how I was hindering Grace's learning. I had ignored the first message, but this one I could not. So here was my reply.....

Hey I am going to try and not be too rude here, but your really crossing a line. There are a lot of things that I have seen on your Facebook with your children that I just think are plain dumb. Did you get a message from me judging your parenting?? I didn't think so, but since you feel the need to share let me enlighten you on my views. One your 3 year is still in diapers. You haven't started to potty from what I can tell. Are you kidding me? If your child can tell you that they went to the potty you should at least being trying to train them to use a restroom. Two said 3 year is still breastfeeding?? There's no way your telling me those teeth aren't a bitch to deal with! Three you complain about your sex life while here's a thought how about you try moving your kids out of the bedroom??? I understand the youngest having an issue but why is your 7 year old still sleeping in your bed!! So before you start telling other people that YOU don't agree with how they are raising their child maybe you should take into consideration that the way YOUR doing it doesn't appeal to others! By the way you can mark this as the end of our conversations. I don't have time for your judgements I have a beautiful HEALTHY baby girl to raise Thank YOU!

      I just don't get where some people come off thinking they have the right to tell others how to raise their kids. As I said before advice is one thing, but judging you can keep to yourself!!

1 comment:

  1. Well Katie, Tell us how you really feel!!
    Love ya, Farris
