Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Story of Baby B!!!

So now that the secret is out I guess I will share our little story with you.

We just recently started trying. With all my womanly health issues we thought it might be a while before we would actual conceive. Well God had other plans. I started feeling not myself the first week of April; however, I had no signs (or at least I thought I had no signs) of being pregnant. So this past Sunday, April 10 we went food shopping and I picked up three test that I was going to take in the next couple of weeks totally expecting a negative. While Steve was putting away the groceries I slipped off to the bathroom. (Ok yea I know it was the middle of day and NOT the best time to test but as I said I was expecting a negative) So I have taken about 20 of these 99 cent test since we have been married (all negative), so I am pretty familiar with that that test window looks like, but when I looked at this one (after 30 seconds not 2 minutes like your suppose to wait) BAM two lines....HOLY COWBELLS! Now I know a normal person would have been like false negative I'll take another one. I was like I AM PREGNANT....commence Screaming!!!!! Then the following scene played out in our house.

Katie- "STEVE!!!!!!!!!!........STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME HERE!!!"
(I am sure he thought the world was ending I was freaking out so much)
We met in the hallway me with test in hand and my poor husband thinking my arm fell off or something.
Steve- "What......What's Wrong!"
Katie- "I am PREGNANT!!!"
Katie-" I........AM.....PREGNANT!!!"
Steve-"Like we are going to have a baby?"
Katie "Umm.....Yea"
Steve (completely straight face)-"Your dad's gonna kill me!"
Then he cracked a smile and we both started laughing! My laughter quickly turned to tears and I spent the rest of the beaming with excitement!

So according to most websites I am 4-5 weeks pregnant and due in mid December. Someone asked us why we are telling people so soon anything can happen in the first trimester. Which is true but here's our take on this. Both Me and the Baby are in God's hands now. Technically anything could happen in the whole pregnancy. So I figure I would rather celebrate with my family and friends now and use them to lean on if it's God will that this baby never make it into the world. Then keep it to ourselves and suffer in silence. However! We are not thinking that way. We pray every night for a healthy baby and an easy pregnancy, but if I can't get both I would much rather have the healthy baby! :-) So keep us in your prayers and I will keep you updated on Baby B!


  1. congrats guys! we'll def. be praying for you!! We did last night before bed too :)

  2. I know these tests you speak of... I got my positive on them too!

    Congrats again on your bun in the oven. I'll be hoping for a very easy, happy and healthy pregnancy for you and baby!
