Thursday, August 2, 2012

Seeing Eye to Eye

   Unless you live under a rock you know what the big news story is now a days. I will be the first to admit that I can NOT wait till CHICKEN is not a common word on my newsfeed. It has been a LONG time since I posted something political on my Facebook. Not because I mind a healthy debate trust me. I will be the first to tell you how I feel about something, but because some people cannot accept that others think differently about certain issues. The past couple of days I have had quite a few "debates"/ talks with many different people about this topic. Some have been very eye opening and others have been wasted breath. I don't mind someone having a different opinion then I do. I always knowledge that it is their right to feel however they do. I never knock someone for their beliefs either. I just ask for the same respect in return. When people start talking about something they feel passionately about I think they forget that we are all free thinking humans. I for one am a very sensitive person and I'll be the first to admit that I get my feelings hurt easily. I don't like being told that because I see something different then you do my thoughts are unproductive. In the past week I have been called a Nazi and been compared to members of the Westboro Church. Why? Because I voiced an opinion different then the person I was talking too. I have had my faith and my marriage verbally attacked and I have had my husband called a murder because he's in the service. Do you want to know the funny thing about it? THe people who said these things where people who I share a common view with. The view that same sex marriage should be legalized. I don't think anyone should have that right withheld from them. Especially not because of my religion. Freedom of religion is VERY important to me. I have the ability to practice my faith where and however I please. It should go both ways. I have the freedom to believe what I want, but they should also have the freedom to disagree with me. They should also not be held to the teachings or beliefs of my faith. That is how FREEDOM works! These people were blind to the fact that they and I agreed on the topic they were so passionately pushing and they got down right hurtful about it.  They were so caught up in their feelings on it that they didn't see I wasn't saying I was against their cause just that I did not see what was happening the same way they did. I was looking at if differently. I like to play devils advocate for those who can not. I have family who do not share the same views as I do, but I will still defend their right to feel the way they do. When people make generalizations about the other side of an argument I don't think they realize how offensive they can be. Hate is a strong word and although I am sure some people feel that way, but not everyone who stands against same sex marriage hates gays. In fact I am sure a large majority of them do not.  So to say that if you don't think two people should have a legal marriage you must hate them is WRONG! They are allowed to have an opinion. My biggest issue with recent things is that people feel that they can have an opinion but when someone else's view goes against that opinion it should not be allowed. Freedom of Speech goes both ways. I can voice a view you don't like and you certainly are allowed to voice that you do not agree with me, but please be an adult about it. I don't get nasty when someone disagrees with me. I may try to make them see my point, but I definitely won't attack them personally or make them feel like their thoughts are "unproductive". You want to talk about being intolerant, but that also goes both ways. I don't think being hurtful about it is going to change anyone's mind. It certainly doesn't help your cause. Most people are so set in their beliefs your not going to change them by talking to them. Everyone believes they are right. It just ends up going in circles until it gets to the point where your left feeling like even the closest of friends looks at you differently. If I have learned anything this week it is this that being a winner is sometimes knowing when enough is enough and walking away. Agree to disagree. Don't let politics get between you and friend it's not worth it. Show up where it counts at the polls!

1 comment:

  1. I agree on a lot of this. I've done my best to keep my opinions about this and the upcoming election out of social media. I put my vote where my mouth is!
