Wednesday, April 4, 2012


TMI blog warning ahead of time!!!!

I feel guilty at times when I get down about how I look now a days. I know first hand how hard getting pregant can be and what a blessing having a child truly is. Grace isn't named Grace for nothing, but when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror tonight I just shook my head. I NEVER had the prefect body, or even close for that matter, but I was pretty much content with what I was working with. My stomach had a little extra flap then what I wanted, but I had swimmers legs and little white girl booty. Now those love handles have turned into a 22 inch tire and my once tan belly is now painted proudly with service stripes. I no longer see the curves I was once happy with, now my butt and thighs just seem to run together. My calves have finally returned to a some what normal looking shape, but they are a far cry from the defined muscles they once were. I keep hearing you can't be serious Katie she's not even 4 months old of course your body is going to look different still, but it's still upsetting. I know that with a little work I can be in better shape then I was before I had Grace, but finding the time with her around seems impossible somedays. The weather hasn't been a really big help either, hopefully it will get easier this summer when I can get out of the house more with her. I knew I would look different after I had her, but I don't think anything could have prepared me for how different. I will never be able to wear a bikini again that's for sure and not because of my size, but because of those proud service stripes I mentioned before. MY GOD! At least my tattoo didn't stretch right? LOL

Don't get me wrong I love my daughter to death and anything that having her did to my body is worth it. I'd do it over hundred times even if I was told I would gain 100 pounds, but sometimes that that side glance in the mirror just gets annoying.

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