Tuesday night- Steve comes home from work nervous but feeling pretty confident about the flight he planned for the next day. We ate dinner and he tells me he's going study his general knowledge (GK) for the rest of the night. About 10 pm he comes flying out of the back bedroom slamming doors. I can tell we are on the verge if not far past a complete stress meltdown. He starts quibbling about the weather in the area he was flying into is supposed to be bad making it impossible for him to fly there and pass his check-ride. Then he tells that the weather in his two back up areas are bad as well. I try to offer words of encouragement, but you would think after almost a year of UPT I would learn my lesson to just let him vent this out and all will be well. A small spat between us ensues, but quickly ends when I offer to shine his shoes for him if that will help alleviate some stress tonight. BEDTIME but not before many prayers!
Wednesday Morning- 04:45 am Steve is awake making lots of noises in our room in his attempt to double check all his stuff for the um-teenth time. I try desperately to go back to bed, umm NO! When Steve leaves the house I know that I probably won't hear from him until much later so I should try not to thinking about his flight. Around 11pm my phone beeps with a text message from Steve. He tells me that they had flex (change) to his fourth back up plan to a place that he has never flown to before and he's pretty sure he already hooked the ride. I now beginning to panic a bit myself. I am pretty sure he's overreacting but I know that if he's not man is he going to be bear to deal with for the next 43 days. So from then on I am consistently checking my phone waiting for ANY word from him at all. FIVE....FIVE...that's right people I said FIVE HOURS LATER I get the following message "I passed!! 5G!!"
I don't know if any of you are familiar at all with Steve and mine's journey to get this far in pilot training but it has been a rocky one. I just wanted this finally huge hurtle for him to go smoothly. PRAISE GOD that it did. Although Steve's day was long and stressful he was able to prove that he can not only fly the T-1, but can fly a flight plane he has never even looked at before WELL! I am so ready for May to get here! LOL
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