Monday, October 24, 2011

My first "I feel HUGE..." moment....

So, I don't know if I want to admit this or not but tonight I did dishes for the first time in like 48 hours seeing as we don't really eat at home much over the weekend. I always turn the water on to warm up while I go collect any stray dishes from around the house. As I returned with my two cups I stood in front of the sink like I always do and was just about to get down and dirty when I realized I can't reach the sponge. Not comfortably anyways. My stomach kept hitting into the counter top and it's not like I can just squash my tummy against it. I mean there's a human being in there. So I have to stand on my tippy toes to finish the dishes.

Now I know I am not like this huge person who just let myself go. As I said before there is a human being in there, but it still really hit me wrong tonight. Maybe it's because I am tired, or because I slowly reaching my "Okay I am DONE!" point, but I had my first I'm a fat cow breakdown. It was so weird because it was like I knew what I was feeling/thinking was CRAZY but I couldn't help myself. Being pregnant really is an emotional roller coaster and there's NO telling when your gonna get off the ride.

What definitely did not help my craziness tonight is the piss poor job the contractor who put our sink in did. I understand the need to have some counter top to hold the sink in place, but do you really need 3 inches of counter before you even hit the rim of the sink which has another inch before your in the sink itself. No wonder I have to stand on my tippy toes and basically place my belly in the sink to do dishes! It's just ridiculous!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww Katie! I think the sink itself was made bad. Just imagine if a short girl were to try to do dishes. She wouldn't be able to reach the sponge either!
