Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nature's Cure All

So for the past 48 hours I have been battling one of the worse cases of diaper rash I have seen in the past 15 years I have been around babies/toddlers. Pretty much since we brought Grace home she has had a slight diaper rash from her extremely sensitive skin (she is her father's child), but recently this was made worse be two things. The first was that until last week I was eating dairy which apparently Grace is sensitive too as well (like her daddy) so the process of getting that out of her system consisted of lots of poops which means lots of diaper changes. Which brings me to the second reason, because I was going though like 20 diapers a day I switched to the cheaper version of pampers (baby dry) well it turns out Grace's butt doesn't like those either. So, last night her booty was BRIGHT red and in some spots actually bleeding from how raw she was. I tried EVERYTHING to find her some relief but nothing helped. Every time she went to the bathroom she screamed bloody murder which just broke me heart. Finally after soaking in a warm bath (we didn't have any baking soda or oatmeal bath at 10 pm) she stopped crying. So I started some internet research just to see if there was anything I do to help her get though the night. I found some CRAZY things that I just wouldn't try if you paid but I also found something very interesting that I figured hell it's worth a shot and it can't hurt her anymore then she already is.

What I found was an article written by a midwife about serve diaper rash treatments and guess what it said? BREAST MILK...yes, I said BREAST MILK not only takes the sting out of the rash but helps heal it. So as I said I figured why not? I pumped a little into a bottle and patted it on her little butt then let her air dry for about 20 mins. Sure enough when I put some Aquaphor on she didn't even stir. So last night was spent getting up to change her diaper every 2 hours (so she didn't sit in a dirty one too long) patting BM on her butt and covering it in Petroleum Jelly. This morning after another soak in a warm bath and some more BM coating I was able to put Burt's Bee Baby Bee diaper cream on her which is my personal favorite because of it's staying power. Then by this afternoon I was able to put her Rx cream from the doctor on without it burning her. It is now 930 at night and I just soaked her in an oatmeal and baking soda bath and I am happy to say that her butt is now just a slight shade of pink with a few red spots and she no longer cries when she goes potty.

So WHO KNEW?? Breast milk...really!

Friday, January 20, 2012

One Month!!

It is incredibly hard for me to believe that my little angel is a month old. These past 31 days have flown by. However, it has not been without it's lessons. So here we go...Things I have learned in my first month as a parent.

#1. Despite what you feel you will not die from sleep deprivation.
#2. I don't give a rats tail what anyone says Breastfeeding is NOT easy. It is a skill that both you and your child must learn together.
#3. Newborn farts are LOUD!!!
#4. Shower when she's napping. Who cares what else needs to be done if she goes down for a nap you hop in that shower!
#5. When your husband goes out of town (or in this case country) SOMETHING will go wrong or SOMEONE will get sick.
#6. SLEEP when she does. Housework can be done later or not at all.
#7. Colic SUCKS
#8. You can NEVER and I mean NEVER have a enough wipes or diapers.
#9. Your baby's cry will break your heart...every time.
#10. There is no greater love then a parent's love for their child. In my book Grace can do NO wrong....FOR NOW.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Counting Blessing

In previous blogs I have mentioned that Colorado was not our number one choice out of UPT. In fact it wasn't even in our top ten. Not because we had anything against the location or the plane. Steve was not very familiar with the C-21 and he had his eye on another plane. Since we have gotten here though we realized that God knew better then we did. This assignment has been a blessing. We could not have asked for a better location or a better squadron to be a part of. The people are so sweet and have truly been amazing since Grace was born. On Sunday the ladies of the 311th threw Grace and me a beautiful baby shower. Something that I know no squadron my father was apart of did for my mom with any of her four pregnancys. Since my mother left they have also brought us some meals which are a great blessing. After being up with Grace every 2-3 hours at night and most of the day by 5 o'clock I am exhausted. Some days I think about cooking and I just can't wrap my mind around even heating the oven. Not to mention that I eat off the left overs for days. So as I said they have been a true blessing. I have learnt from this assignment that there is a reason God sends you where he does in the Air Force and that no matter how unexpected the assignment might be you must keep your mind open because it could be the best assignment yet.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Two Weeks Already???

Yesterday our little princess Grace turned 2 weeks old . I can not believe how quickly the time has flown by, but at the same time I barely remember life without her. We had her well baby yesterday and I can not tell you how relieved I was when our pediatrician said she looked prefect. At her 5 day well the nurse made me feel like the worse mother in the world for having to use a shield to get Grace to latch right even though the lactation consultant gave it to me and said that it was fine. Then she scared the crap out of me telling me that her dimple on her butt looked deep which could indicate a spinal defect! However yesterday Dr. Brice said that she not only thought Grace was doing just fine but that she is way more developed then what is to be expected in a two week. Take that mean old nurse at Ft. Carson!!! To update y'all on how she is doing other just great she weighed 7lbs 6 oz yesterday. Which is well over her birthweight and over a pound more then her discharge weight. (Guess using a shield the first couple weeks isn't bad after all!) We don't know if she grew any because according to their Scale she lost an inch in height but Steve and I noticed that their measuring thing was swinging back because it was missing a screw. I am just glad she has gained weight because as I said the nurse told me that using a shield could prevent her from gaining properly. So there you have it our little girl is doing just fine and I could not be happier! However I wouldn't mind if time slowed down a little she's only this small once!!