Friday, April 22, 2011


I would like to meet the numbskull who came up with the term morning sickness. I bet you it was a male. Some guy trying to give other guys hope that this belly aching his wife has been doing will stop promptly at noon. Well guess what suckers thats total CRAP!


Without trying to be mean but if your one those woman who are in the 25% and NEVER got morning sickness or even better NEVER even got queasy during your pregnancy PLEASE don't tell me because all it makes me want to do is rip your head off! I have not only been blessed with being in that 75% that joins the queasy club but to me I ended up with the worse kind of morning sickness I could think of. I would gladly take throwing up morning afternoon and night if it meant some relieve from this feeling, BUT NO! I am in a constant state of NAUSEA ALL DAY LONG!!! At least 5 times a day I find myself running for a bathroom sure this time I am going to actually upchuck and all I do is dry heave! DISGUSTING! Then I just sit there crawled up in fetal position on the bathroom and cry. I swear I would give anything to get one of two outcomes either let me puke or let me feel better. Worse is that nothing seems to help but crackers and sleep. Surely a diet saltines and sleeping all day can not be good for the baby but really I feel like it is all I can do at times.

So ladies, the idea that this sickness is a MORNING thing is a total crock! I love the fact that I am having a baby and everyone tells me that by the third trimester this is all a distant memory. So I know I should be happy right now but all I want to do is throw up! :-)

It's the Final COUNTDOWN!!

Welp Folks we are in our final month of UPT! YAHOO!!!! Yesterday Steve got his class drop. This is a list of possible planes and bases he will be flying/living at next. We find out May 6th (2 weeks) what he actually got. Lucky us though we do get a dream sheet so hopefully they will try and give him something in our top 5. We are both super excited and anxious to what God has planned for us next.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I really am PREGNANT!!

This morning at 8 am I got the confirmation call from the base clinic. Baby B is definitely in there.The Doctor said that I was about 5 weeks along and my suppose due date is get this......December 12. For those of you who don't know why that date is so special to me it is because it just happens to be the birthday of the best daddy in the whole world...MINE!!! I have my first OB appointment on May 12 because apparently they do not need to see you before you are 8-10 weeks because they want a heartbeat? So now I am just taking each day really really easy and hopefully letting Baby B grow. Speaking of growing......

45.......FOUR FIVE....that's the number of trips I took to the bathroom today. Yes I counted. Now I am sure it has more to do with the permeant bottle of water I have in my hand then the dime size child in my womb but whatever! This is the first sign of pregnancy that has real hit me. The second is the fact that I fell asleep today on the couch watching The Office. This is actually not an unusually thing for me to do (I like my sleep), but the fact that I did not realize I was falling asleep was. I woke up at about 12:15 still in the upright position.

Welp I am exhausted (even though I just took a nap at 8 pm) AGAIN! I guess it's bed time. Tomorrow I am going shopping for my new Baby Meal Plan. Lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. :-) So Excited!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Story of Baby B!!!

So now that the secret is out I guess I will share our little story with you.

We just recently started trying. With all my womanly health issues we thought it might be a while before we would actual conceive. Well God had other plans. I started feeling not myself the first week of April; however, I had no signs (or at least I thought I had no signs) of being pregnant. So this past Sunday, April 10 we went food shopping and I picked up three test that I was going to take in the next couple of weeks totally expecting a negative. While Steve was putting away the groceries I slipped off to the bathroom. (Ok yea I know it was the middle of day and NOT the best time to test but as I said I was expecting a negative) So I have taken about 20 of these 99 cent test since we have been married (all negative), so I am pretty familiar with that that test window looks like, but when I looked at this one (after 30 seconds not 2 minutes like your suppose to wait) BAM two lines....HOLY COWBELLS! Now I know a normal person would have been like false negative I'll take another one. I was like I AM PREGNANT....commence Screaming!!!!! Then the following scene played out in our house.

Katie- "STEVE!!!!!!!!!!........STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME HERE!!!"
(I am sure he thought the world was ending I was freaking out so much)
We met in the hallway me with test in hand and my poor husband thinking my arm fell off or something.
Steve- "What......What's Wrong!"
Katie- "I am PREGNANT!!!"
Katie-" I........AM.....PREGNANT!!!"
Steve-"Like we are going to have a baby?"
Katie "Umm.....Yea"
Steve (completely straight face)-"Your dad's gonna kill me!"
Then he cracked a smile and we both started laughing! My laughter quickly turned to tears and I spent the rest of the beaming with excitement!

So according to most websites I am 4-5 weeks pregnant and due in mid December. Someone asked us why we are telling people so soon anything can happen in the first trimester. Which is true but here's our take on this. Both Me and the Baby are in God's hands now. Technically anything could happen in the whole pregnancy. So I figure I would rather celebrate with my family and friends now and use them to lean on if it's God will that this baby never make it into the world. Then keep it to ourselves and suffer in silence. However! We are not thinking that way. We pray every night for a healthy baby and an easy pregnancy, but if I can't get both I would much rather have the healthy baby! :-) So keep us in your prayers and I will keep you updated on Baby B!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Only in Mississippi....

So you know how everyone has those moments where they see something that just blows their mind and they say "Only in (Insert Name of State here)"? Well I had three of those moments today.

The first one was when Steve and I where waiting in the parking lot for a friend. A truck pulled up to the mostly vacant shopping center next to us and two men got out and went into the video store. I noticed that the window was down and I thought they had two dogs in the car. Nope, they were children. How do I know because not two minutes after the guys went in the store a boy of about 7 years old got out of the truck and stood next to it in that unmistakable pose of I am relieving myself. So I said "Steve, look I think that kid is peeing!" Steve told me I was wrong that he was just standing there. Well then the other little boy (about 4 years old) got out pulled down his pants and peed! I looked at Steve and we both just lost it laughing. Yea ONLY IN MISSISSIPPI!

Moment number two! We were on our way to Starkville to meet some friends for dinner and we went under a highway over pass. I was watching a truck pass over head on another a highway with two people in the bed. I was like what stupid people, then I saw they were not adults but KIDS!!! I mean like no old then 12 STANDING UP in the back of a truck going about 70! Are you kidding me!! ONLY IN MISSISSIPPI!

And the final moment happened just moments after spotting the irresponsible truck people. I was trying to get pass this beat up old truck pulling a 4-Wheeler on a trailer TIED to the truck bed...yes I said TIED to the truck bed! WITH ROPE!!! Well just when we were getting close to them the top of a tool box strapped to the ATV popped off and two wrenches came flying out at my car. Lucky I was able to speed up and pass them before they hit us but HOLY COW BELLS MISSISSIPPI!!!! REALLY!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I am sorry....WHAT???

The average E4 in the military makes about 23,000 base pay a year. The average member of congress makes about what 170,000 a year probably more?? So when I read a comment like this from Mrs. Linda Sanchez (D-Cali) I want to punch her in the face!!!

“I have to tell you that I live paycheck-to-paycheck, like most Americans,” Sánchez said. “I’m still paying off my student loans. I have a 2-year-old son who I have to support, and I have to maintain residences on both coasts. It’s very difficult for me to say, ‘Hey, I can give up my paycheck,’ because the reality is, I have financial obligations that I have to meet on a month-to-month basis that doesn’t make it possible for me.”

I am SORRY WHAT!!! Are you seriously comparing yourself to MOST AMERICANS when you just said "maintain residences on both coast"!!!! Here's a little reality check for you Congresswoman. While your sitting there trying to JUSTIFY not giving up your paycheck of DOUBLE (Hell, TRIPLE) Most AMERICANS some families are trying to figure out weather they are going to put food on the table or pay rent this next month if there is shutdown. Oh, and DON'T EVEN get me started on the whole fact that if the government shuts down it will be because YOU and the rest of your POLITICALLY DRIVEN buddies in Washington DID NOT DO YOUR JOB!! Yet, you still get a paycheck! Come on Lady! What the hell where you thinking when you opened that fat trap of yours and spoke? Did you want sympathy from the average American because you have bills too?? How about you ask the Soldier's wife with THREE other mouths to feed and a deployed husband how she feels about your little dilemma?? Her husband is out there doing his job...defending his country and his paycheck maybe taken away! IF THE MILITARY DOESN'T GET PAID WASHINGTON SHOULDN'T GET PAID! PERIOD!!!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

100 Ideas.....

and no post.

Sorry ppl, I have about 100 different blog post I want to write, but I just can't seem to get a full one out before I start to think it's too personal to put out there. SO I guess I will just have to wait to post until a less "personal" idea comes along. LOL